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Larviculture of two neotropical species with different distributions in the water column in light- and dark-colored tanks
Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos;Sampaio, Edson Vieira;Santos, José Cláudio Epaminondas dos;Pires, Aldrin Vieira;
Neotropical Ichthyology , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252012005000011
Abstract: the influence of tank color on the visual perception of fish larvae and the success of their cultivation depends on the characteristics of each species combined with environmental factors. in this study, we determined the effect of light and dark tank colors on the larviculture of pacam? (lophiosilurusalexandri), a species with a benthonic habit, and curimatá-pioa (prochilodus costatus), which swims actively in the water column. larvae of pacam? and curimatá-pioa were cultivated for 10 days in 5-l tanks, at a density of 15 larvae l-1 and luminosity of 141.7 ± 8.95 lux, and fed artemia nauplii. four tank colors were used: green, light blue, brown, and black (with four replications). survival, biomass and fulton's condition factor for pacam? larvae were similar in the different colored tanks. however, the larvae in the green tanks showed lower weight than those cultivated in black and brown tanks, as well as shorter total length than that of larvae in the brown-colored tanks. these results are probably due to the association between tank color and benthonic habitat of the pacam?. for the curimatá-pioa, survival and biomass were similar for the different colors. the weight and fulton's condition factor were higher for the larvae cultivated in green and blue tanks. this result could be associated with the adaptation of curimatá-pioa larvae to active swimming in the water column, searching for prey.
Feeding of the planktonic shrimp Lucifer faroni Borradaile, 1915 (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the laboratory
Vega-Pérez, Luz Amelia;Ara, Koichi;Liang, Tsui Hua;Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos;
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography , 1996, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-87591996000100001
Abstract: feeding behavior of juveniles of the planktonic shrimp lucifer faxoni borradaile was studied in the laboratory under light and dark conditions. newly-hatched nauplii and metanauplii of artemio were used as prey organisms. the fecding raie of l. foxoni was dependent on prey size and prey density, but was not obviously affected by light or dark conditions. the capture of the prey tended to increase with longer exposure time to prey. the maximum ingestion rate was 17.28 and 13.40 nauplii.l. faxoni .d- , in the light and in the dark conditions, respectively.
Influência do formato do aquário na sobrevivência e no desenvolvimento de larvas de matrinx? Brycon cephalus (Osteichthyes, Characidae)
Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos;Tavares, Lúcia Helena Sipaúba;Silva, Robson Campos;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982006000200001
Abstract: this experiment compared the effects of five cylindrical aquarium with circular relief in the bottom or a rectangular aquariums with flat bottom on the intensive cultivation of matrinx? larvae (brycon cephalus). five aquariums of each format were used and the rectangular aquarium was the most efficient, confirmed by better survival average and biomass. limnological variables were similar between aquariums, assuming that the parameters did not affect the results. the bottom relief in the aquarium resulted in areas with slow flow velocity, which resulted in the accumulation of waste, predators competitors and aliment, showing negative effects to culture of matrinx?. rectangular aquariums with flat bottom are more recommended for matrinx? culture, because it provides better water circulation.
Fontes de erros na mensura o do comprimento e peso de larvas de peixes = Origins of sampling errors in length and weight measurements of fish larvae
Marcelo Mattos Pedreira,José Cláudio Epaminondas dos Santos,Edson Vieira Sampaio,Janaina de Lima Silva
Acta Scientiarum : Biological Sciences , 2008,
Abstract: Trabalhos com larvas de peixes, sejam de cultivo ou ecológicos, invariavelmente empregam o comprimento e o peso como parametros. Assim sendo, este experimento foi realizado com larvas de Lophiosilurus alexandri, pacam , objetivando determinar algumas fontes de erros amostrais na obten o do tamanho e do peso. Avaliaram-se cinco possíveis fontes de erros: (1) erro na medida dos comprimentos total e padr o, pela acuidade de medi o de doisobservadores; (2) erro na medida dos comprimentos total e padr o, pelo encolhimento proporcionado pelo fixador formalina a 10%; (3) erro pelas duas formas de secagem das larvas na obten o da biomassa; (4) influência do tamanho e do agrupamento das larvas na obten o depesos; e por fim, (5) altera o da biomassa pelo tempo de permanência das larvas na balan a. Verifica-se a importancia de se determinar e cumprir um protocolo de amostragem para medi es de larvas de peixes. Por apresentarem tamanhos e pesos reduzidos, uma pequena varia o na condi o da mensura o pode alterar substancialmente o resultado, pois altera es significativas foram verificadas para as quatro primeiras fontes de erros acima referidas. Diferentemente, o tempo de permanência das larvas na balan a n o ocasionou altera o debiomassa significativa. Cultivation or ecological experiments with fish larvae invariably use length and weight as parameters. Therefore, this experiment was conducted with larvae of Lophiosilurus alexandri (pacman catfish), aiming to determine some sources of sampling errors in the measurement of length and weight of fish larvae. Five possible sources of errors were evaluated: (1) the error in the measurement of total and standard lengths, due to the acuity in measurements of twodifferent observers; (2) the error in the measurement of total and standard lengths, due to the shrinkage caused by fixation with 10% formalin ; (3) the error caused by the two forms of drying of the larvae in the process of obtaining the biomass; (4) the influence of the size and grouping of the larvae in calculating their weights; and finally (5) the alteration in biomass due to the time of permanence of the larvae on the scale. The study verifies the importance ofdetermining and accomplishing a sampling protocol for measurements of fish larvae. Because they feature reduced size and weight, a small variation in measurement conditions can significantly alter the result; significant alterations were verified for the first four mistake sources mentioned above. Conversely, the time of permanence of larvae on the scale did not result in significant biomass
Cultivo de matrinx Brycon orthotaenia (Günther, 1864) em tanques-rede, em diferentes densidades de estocagem = Matrinx Brycon orthotaenia rearing in floating cage in different stocking densities
Marcelo Mattos Pedreira,Edson Vieira Sampaio,José Cláudio Epaminondas dos Santos,Ronald Kennedy Luz
Acta Scientiarum : Biological Sciences , 2010,
Abstract: O presente experimento avaliou o desempenho e sobrevivência de juvenis de matrinx Brycon orthotaenia cultivados em tanques-rede de 4 m3, por 197 dias, em três densidades de estocagem: 20, 40 e 60 peixes m-3. Foram utilizados exemplares com 19,9 ± 0,3 cm de comprimento total e 90,0 ± 0,15 g de peso. Os animais foram alimentados com ra o extrusada contendo 36% de proteína bruta. O comprimento total e o peso foram superiores (p < 0,05) na densidade de 20 peixes m-3. Valores intermediários e inferiores foram registrados para a densidade de 40 e 60 peixes m-3, respectivamente. A sobrevivência e o Fator de condi o de Fulton foram semelhantes (p > 0,05) entre as diferentes densidades; porém, a biomassa produzida foi superior (p < 0,05) para as densidades de 40 e 60 peixes m-3. O aumento da densidade de estocagem também resultou em crescimento mais homogêneo dos animais. Para juvenis de B. orthotaenia, o aumento na densidade de estocagem leva a maior biomassa final, peixes mais homogêneos, menor crescimento, mas n o tem efeito na sobrevivência. This experiment evaluated the development and survival of matrinx Brycon orthotaenia juveniles reared during a 197-day experiment, in a 4 m3 floating cage, in three stocking densities: 20, 40 and 60 fish m-3. Juveniles with 19.9 ± 0.3 cm of total length and 90.0 ± 0.15 g of weight were used. The animals were fed with floating pellets (commercial diet with 36% crude protein). The total length, and weight were higher (p < 0.05) in the density of 20 fish m-3. The density of 40 and 60 fish m-3 showed intermediary and low values, respectively. Survival and Fulton condition factor were similar (p > 0.05) among the different densities; however, the produced biomass was higher (p < 0.05) in densities of 40 and 60 fish m-3. The increased stocking density showed a more homogeneous growth. The increase in stocking density for B. orthotaenia juveniles presented a higher biomass, homogeneity of fishes, lesser growth, but had no effect in survival.
Predi o do rendimento e do peso do filé da tilápia-do-Nilo = Prediction of yield and weight of Nile tilapia fillet
Aldrin Vieira Pires,Marcelo Mattos Pedreira,Idalmo Garcia Pereira,Armando da Fonseca Júnior
Acta Scientiarum : Animal Sciences , 2011,
Abstract: A cria o de tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e o seu filé apresentam um mercado vigoroso e expans o no Brasil e no mundo. Portanto, um modelo de regress o obtido a partir de parametros corporais externos, de fácil observa o, que prediga o rendimento e o peso do filé possibilita selecionar indivíduos com maior potencialprodutivo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho obter um modelo que permita predizer o rendimento e o peso do filé, baseado em medidas morfométricas e do peso. Foram avalidos 890 indivíduos dos quais os caractéres mensurados foram: comprimento total (CT), comprimento-padr o (CP), comprimento da cabe a (CC) e do tronco (CTR), altura dacabe a (AC1), altura lombar (AL), altura caudal (AC2), espessura lombar (EL) e caudal (EC), peso corporal (PESO), peso de filé (PF) e rendimento de filé (RF). Foram realizadas análises de regress o linear, com PF e RF como variáveis dependentes. O R2 para o modelodo PF foi 0,80, demonstrando que as medidas corporais s o confiáveis para se estimar o peso do filé. Já para o modelo do RF, o R2 foi de 0,16, n o sendo adequado para se estimar o rendimento do filé, devendo ser desenvolvidos novos estudos para se obter um modelo maisconfiável. The rearing of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and its fillet have shown a vigorous market expansion in Brazil and worldwide. Therefore, a regression model obtained from external physical parameters, of easy observation, which can predict the yield and weight of fillet, making it possible to select individuals with higher yield potential. The objective of this work was to obtain amodel that allows a prediction of fillet yield and weight, based on morphometric measurements and weight. Data were collected on 890 individuals and the measured characters were: total length (TL), standard length (CP), length of the head (CC) and the stem (CTR), height of the head (CA1), lumbar height (AL), height flow (CA2), lumbar thickness (EL) and throughput (EC), body weight (PESO), fillet weight (FW) and yield of fillet (RF). A linear regression analysis was performed, with PF and RF as dependent variables. The R2 for the model of the FP was 0.80 – a satisfactory result – suggesting thatthe body measurements are reliable for estimating fillet weight. For the RF model, R2 was 0.16, which is not adequate to estimate fillet yield, requiring further studies in order to obtain a reliable model.
Larviculture of two neotropical species with different distributions in the water column in light- and dark-colored tanks
Marcelo Mattos Pedreira,Edson Vieira Sampaio,José Cláudio Epaminondas dos Santos,Aldrin Vieira Pires
Neotropical Ichthyology , 2012,
Abstract: The influence of tank color on the visual perception of fish larvae and the success of their cultivation depends on the characteristics of each species combined with environmental factors. In this study, we determined the effect of light and dark tank colors on the larviculture of pacam (Lophiosilurusalexandri), a species with a benthonic habit, and curimatá-pioa (Prochilodus costatus), which swims actively in the water column. Larvae of pacam and curimatá-pioa were cultivated for 10 days in 5-L tanks, at a density of 15 larvae L-1 and luminosity of 141.7 ± 8.95 lux, and fed Artemia nauplii. Four tank colors were used: green, light blue, brown, and black (with four replications). Survival, biomass and Fulton's condition factor for pacam larvae were similar in the different colored tanks. However, the larvae in the green tanks showed lower weight than those cultivated in black and brown tanks, as well as shorter total length than that of larvae in the brown-colored tanks. These results are probably due to the association between tank color and benthonic habitat of the pacam . For the curimatá-pioa, survival and biomass were similar for the different colors. The weight and Fulton's condition factor were higher for the larvae cultivated in green and blue tanks. This result could be associated with the adaptation of curimatá-pioa larvae to active swimming in the water column, searching for prey. A interferência da cor do tanque na percep o visual da larva de peixe e no sucesso do seu cultivo depende da caraterística de cada espécie combinada com fatores ambientais. Neste estudo foi investigado o efeito de tanques de cores claras e escuras na larvicultura do pacam Lophiosilurusalexandri, espécie de hábito bent nico, e, curimatá-pioa Prochilodus costatus, que nada ativamente na coluna da água. Larvas de pacam e de curimatá-pioa foram cultivadas por 10 dias, em tanques contendo 5 L de água, a uma densidade de 15 larvas L-1, luminosidade de 141.7 ± 8.95 lux, alimentados com náuplios de Artemia. Quatro cores de tanques foram usadas: verde e azul claras, marrom e preta (com quatro repeti es). Para as larvas de pacam , a sobrevivência, biomassa e o fator de condi o de Fulton foram similares entre os tanques de diferentes cores. Entretanto, as larvas nos tanques verdes apresentara um peso menor do que as cultivadas nos tanques de cor preta e marrom, assim como um menor comprimento total, que as larvas cultivadas em tanque marrom. Estes resultados provavelmente têm origem da associa o da cor do tanque com o hábito bent nico do pacam . Para o curimatá-pioa,
Biofiltra??o da água e tipos de substrato na larvicultura do pacam?
Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos;Luz, Ronald Kennedy;Santos, José Cláudio Epaminondas dos;Sampaio, Edson Vieira;Silva, Rafael Sá Fortes;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2009000500011
Abstract: the objective of this work was to investigate the use of different biofilter systems and biofilter media on water quality and performance of lophiosilurus alexandri larvae. the treatments used were: no biofilter system (sb); internal biofilter with 1.6 cm average diameter shingle media (cme); internal biofilter with 2.1 cm average diameter shingle media (cma); a mix of 70% of grit (1.3 cm average diameter) and 30% of shell media (1.1 cm average diameter) (cb); and a closed recirculating system with external biofilter with 70% grit and 30% shell media (sf). the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and five replicates, during 16 days. interaction between the rearing systems x rearing days affected the ammonium ion, nitrite, nitrate and orthophosphate concentrations. the sf, cme and cb systems showed lower ammonium and nitrite concentrations; the sb system, higher ammonium ion concentrations and lower nitrate concentrations; the sf system, higher orthophosphate concentrations. l. alexandri survival was worst in the sf system. fish growth was not affected by the different systems used.the biofilters provide better water quality intermsof nitrogenous waste depending on thebiofilter media.
Larvicultura de matrinx? em tanques de diferentes cores
Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos;Luz, Ronald Kennedy;Santos, José Cláudio Epaminondas dos;Mattioli, Cristiano Campos;Silva, Camila Lacerda;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2008001000015
Abstract: the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different color tanks on brycon orthotaenia larviculture, during the first ten days of rearing. light color tanks (white, light blue and light green) and dark tanks (brown and black) were evaluated. the fishes were fed with prochilodus costatus larvae until the 5th day and, from the 3rd day on, commercial dry feed with 55% crude protein was also supplied. the growth, survival and fulton's condition factor were evaluated. at five days of feed, the weight, total length and specific growth rate (sgr) were similar among treatments. however, after ten days, the animals kept in dark tanks showed the lowest weight and total length; but the sgr was similar despite the different color tanks. the fulton's condition factor, observed at the end of the experiment, was lower in animals reared in dark tanks. the survival was lower in black tanks, at five and ten days of rearing. the best survival, at the end of the experiment, was observed in brown, light green and white tanks. light tanks are recommended for b. orthotaenia larviculture, for animals' best development and survival.
Efeito do tamanho da presa e do acréscimo de ra??o na larvicultura de pacam?
Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos;Santos, José Cláudio Epaminondas dos;Sampaio, Edson Vieira;Pereira, Felipe Nilvan;Silva, Janaina de Lima;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982008000700002
Abstract: the effect of prey size selection and feeding on pacam? lophiosilurus alexandri larvae culture (native specie of san francisco basin classified as threatened of extinction) was evaluated. the larvae were cultivated in aquariums during 16 days and fed with natural zooplankton, screened in 650 and 1300 μm sieve, with and without ration. the offer of zooplankton of largest size provided a better development of the pacam? larvae, demonstrating the need of alimentary particles larger for the growth potential of the species. the increase of the amount of ration did not affect the performance of the larvae, evidencing low or lack of capacity in digesting the offered ration. the ration fed reduced the ph and increased the electric conductivity, worsening water quality, which did not affect the performance of the larvae.

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